18 runners raise £16K at the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2022

We are absolutely delighted to announce that our 18 runners for LLHM 2022 have raised a super £16K to go towards research into rhabdomyosarcoma. As usual, this is thanks to the Arcs and other families impacted by rhabdomyosarcoma who support the charity and are at the heart of our mission. Runners from Alice’s Arc, Beanie’s Arc, Freddie’s Arc, Mollie’s Arc, Sophie’s Arc and other parents of children with rhabdomyosarcoma comprised the team.

Everyone participating has been touched by the beast that is rhabdomyosarcoma and wants to help in our battle to defeat it – parents, friends, friends of friends and community members. Watching a child fight cancer changes everything.

We all recognise that things need to change. The only way to create this change is to invest in patient-focussed rhabdomyosarcoma research. We are so grateful to all our supporters and runners. It’s so impressive how much can be raised by a sporting event like the LLHM.

Through bringing multiple parties together, making change can become a reality. Together we are stronger.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

First RMS research grant made in the USA in collaboration with St. Baldricks EPICC team.
Read all about what happened from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023 in our Annual Report.
Family Research Day at the Sanger Institute