Alice’s Arc has donated £102,084 towards research in to rhabdomyosarcoma

Alice’s Arc has provided a donation of £102,084.80 to the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR). Part of the donation has enabled the recruitment of Carolina Bernauer, a Clinical Research Fellow, and will be used to pay her salary. 

Carolina commented on her appointment: ” Knowing that I can contribute to the improvement of the treatment of children with rhabdomyosarcoma is extremely rewarding and motivating. Alice’s Arc has given me the chance to do just this at the ICR with an exceptional team. I could not be more grateful for the opportunity!”

Carolina obtained her Master in Medicine at NOVA Medical School in Lisbon. During her studies she was awarded the Biosurfit award for Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, and she spent a semester abroad at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich. Carolina will aim to study new treatments for rhabdomyosarcoma in her role at the ICR.
The money donated will also fund the laboratory consumables and reagents she needs in order to conduct her research in to rhabdomyosarcoma. The money will also be used to provide other laboratory reagents for the Higher Scientific Officer role.
We must thank all those who have fundraised and supported Alice’s Arc in order to make this donation possible. Without you, investment will not be made and research in to rhabdomyosarcoma will not progress.


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