Almost £75K raised in honour of Sophie Fairall, who passed away on the 18th September 2021

10 year old Sophie’s journey with rhabdomyosarcoma has attracted significant attention throughout the UK

Sophie Fairall was diagnosed with anaplastic rhabdomyosarcoma in the abdomen area in September 2020. Her care was led by Southhampton Children’s Hospital and she underwent surgery, intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy over a period of 9 months. Just as Sophie had started maintenance chemotherapy, an MRI scan in June 2021 revealed the growth of a new tumour in the pelvis area. Sadly, Sophie passed away on 18th September 2021.

Sophie’s mother documented her journey in a blog followed by 35K followers @Sophie’s journey. This detailed account raised amazing awareness of rhabdomyosarcoma and the world of childhood cancer. Sophie’s plight received significant press attention in the BBC , ITV and The Independent.

Sophie left her family with a list of jobs to change the childhood cancer experience for a patient diagnosed in the future. One of these includes a petition to the Government to lobby for greater investment into researching childhood cancers like rhabdomyosarcoma.

We are delighted that Sophie will be part of our Arcs family network using Sophie’s Arc as a channel to fight together with other families impacted by rhabdomyosarcoma.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

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