Max Provan

On 6th July 2018, Max was diagnosed with localised para-testicular fusion negative embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, aged 4. Max’s care is led by Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Max underwent radical surgery followed by six months of IVA chemotherapy. Since the end of treatment, scans have shown no evidence of disease.

Max's Story...

“I haven’t seen anything like it before. I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely not cancer”. Words from a Urology Consultant, the third we had seen, that have stayed with us.
On Father’s Day 2018, while on holiday in Spain we found a firm, immovable lump in the muscle next to one of his testes. At 4 years old, Max had run out of the villa pool throwing himself naked upside down on the couch – everything fell forward revealing the lump. We would never have seen it otherwise, but immediately we instinctively knew. Max was born prematurely with sepsis, diagnosed with mastocytosis at 5 months followed by years of food intolerances and exceptionally poor sleep. We were on alert and medical research a hobby.
We went from airport to GP, immediately referred to Luton & Dunstable Hospital (L&D): the first consultant opined it was a cyst and to wait for the surgical team. The second did not know, but laughed alongside his junior doctor, when we asked if it could possibly be cancer. Over the weekend the lump grew in size. Still no pain. We returned to L&D refusing to leave until scanned. Three days later Max was given an ultrasound by the urology consultant who uttered the words that emboldened us to push for answers – if you don’t know what it is, then how do you know that it isn’t cancer? We asked for a second opinion and requested GOSH. Nine days later we sat with Consultant Nav Johal who took the time to listen. After another ultrasound Nav called in Oncology Consultant and leading rhadomyosarcoma expert, Olga Slater. In an urology waiting room, we were given his cancer diagnosis. Max was active, happy and his bloods showed no tumour markers – you would never know. Max underwent bloods, MRIs and biopsy under GA, a worry with his mastocytosis (risk of anaphylaxis).
On 20th July, Max had radical surgery to remove the tumour, now extending up and wrapping itself around his inguinal canal. We would later learn it was 4.5cm, just half a centimetre from stage 4. Had L&D delayed further we would be looking at a very different journey. After 45 stitches he was up walking like a cowboy the next morning with no pain relief, determined to go to the playroom!
Max had more scans, a bone marrow biopsy and his Wiggles (Hickman Line) fitted during which the anaesthetist gave the wrong anaesthesia for his masto needing a full body flush during the operation. She approached us in tears and we feared the worst – he was okay and we are all human. We then got the call to say the tumour had a clear margin. A rollercoaster of emotions.
Max started IVA chemotherapy 27th July and was horrifically unwell. Over the next weeks his surgical wounds became infected, he was bleeding from his Line and complaining of tummy, head and bone pain. He lost his hair. The tumour site swelled and filled with fluid. He underwent a PET scan at UCLH and developed a full body allergic rash to the radioactive dye. His team sat us down as the PET scan showed other lymph nodes were likely cancer. Unusually, the histology showed alveolar but the genetic testing was embryonal and we needed a second opinion. More surgery 17th August from which the lymph nodes were clear – his cancer had not spread.
Max completed his cycles of chemo dressed as a superhero, being infused with super powers and a dose of normality for a 4 year old! He suffered infections, allergic reactions, so much sickness and loss of bladder control but his body rallied and pushed him through. A lot of positivity and prayers.
During this time L&D wrote to us offering to remove the lump if it was bothering him. Had we waited for L&D, he wouldn’t be here. On 11th September the second opinion confirmed the first; it looked like alveolar under a microscope but was embryonal and did not carry the fusion gene. He got to ring the bell on the 22nd February 2019.
Thankfully, there has been no evidence of disease since finishing treatment. The chemotherapy also put his masto into remission. Max was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago but he doesn’t let that or the after effects of surgery and chemo get in his way – he is super sporty, clever and funny and we couldn’t be more proud of him.

What was your journey with cancer like?

Our initial reaction was a flood of relief – that we had been heard and Max would be given treatment and a chance at life. It was very quickly replaced by all encompassing fear, overwhelm, isolation and simultaneous determination. Your whole life is upended in an instant and your sole focus is how to save your child. You truly understand what really matters and you are never the same.
As a family, we were determined that whatever the outcome Max’s journey would be as positive as possible. With each chemotherapy Max was dressed as a superhero, being infused with super powers! But as parents, the rollercoaster is unimaginable unless you have lived through it. The deep fear of the unknown, of what the future might be whilst sidelining in medical and holistic research, worrying financially, endless travel between children, guilt, living blood test to blood test and scan to scan.
We will always be in awe and inspired by the strength of our child and of all other children and parents who face this journey. We are acutely aware of the disparity in children’s outcomes and this is why we want to support Alice’s Arc.

What changes would you like to see for children diagnosed in the future?

We would like childhood cancer to be considered as more of a possibility, rather than an unlikely prospect. For GP’s and healthcare professionals to test or refer if they aren’t sure what it is. We were lucky as Max’s cancer was caught early, rare for rhabdomyosarcoma, but we were still told it wasn’t cancer.
We want more people to be listened to earlier and referred and tested sooner. We want more children to be lucky. All children should have a chance.
We would like to see more parents supported, to feel confident to challenge the doctors and speak up when they know something isn’t right. To ask for a second opinion. For doctors to listen.
We want people to understand that the treatment may have stopped and it may have been successful, but it doesn’t mean life goes back to normal. There are lifelong challenges and it doesn’t mean they’ve beaten the disease – if only it worked like that.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

Read all about what happened from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023 in our Annual Report.
Family Research Day at the Sanger Institute
This Request for Applications (RFA) in conjunction with SBF EPICC will lead to a $750K RMS research grant.
This incredible football fundraiser involving Neive’s community and professional footballers raised £5K.
A team of 105 runners comprising scientists, doctors, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists, families, friends, parents all ran together.
This incredible community event marked Mollie’s five year anniversary of her diagnosis with rhabdomyosarcoma.
An insight into life in the laboratory for Post Doc, Dr Christina Burke.
We are delighted to publish our Annual Report covering FY21/22.
Around the Wash Spiderman themed cycle in memory of Elliott Peto.
This high profile news coverage was showcased on 10th May 2023.
An article focussed on the Cancer Grand Challenge, NexTGen, featuring co-founder, Sara Wakeling.
On the 11th March 2023 families, medical professionals and scientists came together as a community.
The launch took place at a special memorial assembly at Elliott’s school.
We will be opening as a 501(c)(3) in 2023.
Press coverage received in Sunday’s Observer on 15th January 2023.
The sale of gold bath bombs throughout UK Lush stores raises £150K.
Pilot findings published in an article in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Our ‘Say My Name’ Season’s Greeting’s card are now available to buy.
Epic cycling challenge for Amber’s Arc raises over £11K.
Telling the stories of the inspirations behind our work is the focus for CCAM 2022
Alice’s Arc referenced in Washington Post news article discussing research in children’s cancers
Lush will be selling a ‘gold’ dragon’s egg bath bomb in support of Dexter’s Arc
An insight into life in the laboratory for Dr Joanna Selfe at the ICR.
The Alice’s Arc annual report covering 1st October 2020 to 30th September 2021.
Alice’s Arc is delighted to be collaborating with CCLG to deliver this research to improve the treatment decision-making process for families.
Delighted to discuss progress on research regarding genetic markers of rhabdomyosarcoma and improving treatment therapies.
They took part in the London West 10kms Tough Mudder in support of Gaspard’s experience with rhabdomyosarcoma.
Sara Wakeling is a patient advocate on the Cancer Grand Challenge, NexTGen.
Delighted to be invited as speakers representing the parental perspective of rhabdomyosarcoma.
Please consider participating in a research interview as part of the REFoRMS (Relapsed and Refractory Rhabdomyosarcoma) study, led by the University of York.
On Tuesday 26th April 2022 this debate was held for the first time with 22 MPs speaking on behalf of constituents.
New research project aims to lead to better outcomes for children with the MYOD1 L122R mutation in fusion negative RMS.
2022 LLHM team of 18 runners raise £16K for research into rhabdomyosarcoma.
On 7th March 2022, we visited Great Ormond Street Hospital, where Alice’s care and treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma was led.
Alice’s Arc had the opportunity to meet the research team undertaking the rhabdomyosarcoma projects invested in and to tour the laboratories
The roles are for a Scientific Project Manager and a Statistician.
This is the first in a series of meet the Alice’s Arc researchers across our research projects.
This new work package will explore the targets identified in RMS model systems with a focus on clinical translation.
We are delighted to appear in the ICR’s latest edition of their twice-yearly Search magazine.
Freddie’s family are inviting you to become part of this special community this Easter and support Alice’s Arc
Will Rutt, aged 20, sadly passed away on Sunday 21st February 2021 after a four year journey with stage 4 ARMS
This project will increase understanding of RAS gene pathways in RMS with a focus on DNA repair and replication stress.
Having being touched by Gaspard’s journey with cancer, a member of staff nominated Alice’s Arc to receive a donation
Assessing The Clinical Value For ct-DNA In Blood To Monitor The Response To Treatments and Identify Disease Recurrence
300 of these candles incorporating Elsa’s very own artwork and name have been sold over the festive season
We are delighted to be supporting five innovative research projects led by several leading cancer research centres
Their daughter, Sophie, was recently diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma and her family are fundraising for the charity.
FaR-RMS opened in September 2020 and is now open in ten sites in England and Scotland and several sites across Europe.
On Friday 6th November 2020 organised a turn ‘pink’ fundraising day for Alice’s Arc.
Phil and Vicky Macqueen both ran this virtual event in memory of their niece, Jessica Macqueen.
We worked closely with families impacted by cancer to help local communities and businesses ‘go gold’ and fundraise.
The pandemic of Covid-19 has made it mandatory to wear face coverings in certain settings. Why not buy one of ours?
A unique wing walk, in memory of Alice Wakeling and Freddie Carpenter and to go gold for children with cancer
In memory of Elsa McGee, her Dad and other family walked 125 miles over 5 days along the Leeds to Liverpool canal path
Covid-19 inspired Tom to grow his hair and transform himself in to the Tiger King to raise funds for Hope With Gaspard
To mark Faye’s 5th birthday and as a way of giving back since Faye’s cancer diagnosis, her Aunt and Grandad ran 10kms
Please read this edition of our Annual Report to get a snapshot of our activity for the year and our future plans.
Alice’s school choose Alice’s Arc as their charity of the year for the 2019/20 academic school year
Elsa sadly died in April 2020 and her parents want the funds raised to contribute to research in to rhabdomyosarcoma.
Generous support for the charity enabled us to create goody bags for children with cancer receiving chemotherapy at GOSH
Natalie, a trainee psychologist, is the mother of two boys, both diagnosed with cancer within months of one another.
After a 4 year battle, Elsa sadly passed away from embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma on April 14th 2020.
Alice’s school organised a fun run, on Saturday 14th March 2020, in Knole Park for the whole school and their families.
We hosted 85 people at St Julian’s Club, Sevenoaks on Saturday 14th March 2020 at a ‘Go Gold’ casino fundraising event
Sara was delighted to take up the opportunity to attend this reception in celebration of International Woman’s Day
This tells Alice’s cancer story from her point of view and illustrates the mission and progress of Alice’s Arc
The club supported the charity in 2019 and ran several fundraising initiatives including a quiz.
There have been various fundraising initiatives put in place around the firm’s network in memory of Alice Wakeling.
Local schools Walthamstow Hall Junior and New Beacon held Valentine’s fundraising events
Up Up and Away and Alice’s Arc enjoyed visiting the oncology wards with heart balloons, sweet cones and chocolate hearts
Are you feeling lucky? Please join us for a gold casino fundraising evening raising money for Alice’s Arc.
The Edward Gostling Foundation supports people living with long-term illnesses
Jess Macqueen passed away from rhabdomyosarcoma just 5 months after her diagnosis
We are delighted to announce that, the newly formed fund, Hope With Gaspard, will raise funds for Alice’s Arc
Benjamin Ronsseray nominated the charity for this award following his son, Gaspard’s diagnosis with rhabdomyosarcoma.
The EpSSG meeting brings together international professionals devoted to treating children with soft tissue sarcoma
23 parents ran the Watford Autumn 10K in support of Alice’s Arc
Alice’s Arc has fulfilled it’s initial three year pledge to the ICR and given the team a further £69K for research
The school has already raised almost £10K. Latest fundraisers include the sale of the ‘Alice’ bow and a singing event .
8 cyclists rode over 240 miles from London to Paris over three days to raise funds for Alice’s Arc
On the 8th October 2019, Alice Wakeling passed away peacefully, after almost 5 years fighting rhabdomyosarcoma.
The charity had 14 runners participating in this stunning central London Half Marathon.
We have now donated almost £280K to the ICR team since the inception of the relationship in 2016.
This leaflet provides information on who we are, what we do, why we do it and how you can help.
Shane is taking on this challenge in August, cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats, in memory of his nephew, Freddie.
Olivia Ruhen will work in a Postdoc role on the ICR’s rhabdomyosarcoma research team
Over 100 spectators braved snowy conditions to watch 45 people fire walk to raise funds to help children with cancer
We are delighted to be featured in an article in the ICR’s Spring 2019 edition of their Search magazine
Dunn AC Ltd is helping raise awareness and funds for the charity. They have added the logo to their fleet of vans
Alice’s recent scans show no evidence of cancer. The damage from the AMORE surgery and brachytherapy has healed.
In memory of Freddie Carpenter, Waitrose Rickmansworth, supported the charity with their community green coin scheme.
These funds have enabled the recruitment of a Clinical Research Fellow to add to the team researching rhabdo at the ICR.
The ICR has published a report called ‘From patent to patient – analysing access to innovative cancer drugs
We are delighted to share that the charity has raised over £250K since our inception 2.5 years ago.
It’s a huge tribute to a wonderful 5 year old. Donations to Alice’s Arc at Freddie’s funeral reached over £10K
Alice’s Arc is hosting a fire walk fundraiser in conjunction with the Mayor and local Sevenoaks Council
The ICR team continue to make progress researching rhabdomyosarcoma using the funds raised by Alice’s Arc
Finn’s mother arranged a fantastic event in Leigh-on-Sea, incorporating a quiz, a live auction and a raffle.
Team Cheek went on another colossal walk for the charity raising in excess of £3K
The family fun morning hosted by the school Alice attends raised in excess of £2K for the charity.
Finn, passed away from rhabdo, aged 10 after a courageous 18 month fight with the disease.
Two school girls create fresh lemonade recipe and set up a stall selling it at an event celebrating Armed Forces Day
The charity has received support from various individuals choosing to run and cycle to raise money for the charity
Mike ran the London Marathon in 3 hours and 2 minutes raising almost £4K in support of a family impacted by rhabdo
First Give and Hampstead School joined forces to help children support their community and pitch for their chosen causes
Choose Alice’s Arc when shopping on Amazon Smile UK and 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to us
Alice is being treated using a relapse chemotherapy regime and a specialist procedure in Amsterdam known as AMORE
This money covers the salary of a Higher Scientific Officer to support the ICR’s rhabdomyosarcoma research.
Alice’s Arc has commented on a letter to President Juncker regarding delays to the reform of EU Paediatric Regulation.
The charity is delighted to have received support from accountants, Kingston Smith and a major US private equity house.
Allen & Overy will make an annual donation to support the mission of Alice’s Arc
We have provided funds to enable an injection of the drug, neulasta for a 3 year old boy suffering from rhabdomyosarcoma
The charity has provided the ICR with funds to acquire laboratory reagents and equipment
Current EU legislation allows Pharmas to use a loophole in EU legislation to avoid trialling cancer drugs in children
Paul raised over £2K shaving his 9 inch hair and beard off and donating it to the little princess charity
Make Believe Sevenoaks invited parents of children in their drama class to join in for a day to raise money for charity
Simon and Sandy Haddock showcased their recent art works at an art evening which raised £1K for Alice’s Arc
Rani completed a 25km walk across 16 London bridges raising £1K for Alice’s Arc.
Accenture nominated Alice’s Arc as one of three charities to donate funds raised from its annual OPSCARS auction
Matt Cheek and Dave Watts walked 100km in 24hours for Matt’s 3 year old nephew who has rhabdomyosarcoma.
Hands Decals - LeftCreated with Sketch.
Hands Decals - RightCreated with Sketch.

Our Mission

We have already raised £3,500,000 and now aim to reach £5,000,000 to pay for research to find a cure and better treatments for rhabdomyosarcoma.
Raised £3,500,000