Lush launches ‘gold’ bath bomb campaign for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

We are excited to announce that cosmetics retailer, Lush is collaborating with us to help amplify our messages about childhood cancer and to raise much needed funds to invest in non-animal testing rhabdomyosarcoma research.
This is for Dexter. Today, we will also be launching Dexter’s Arc (Watch this space) and highlighting his story. Dexter’s family are the co-founders of Lush. Dexter passed away on 27th July 2022, having been diagnosed in December 2019. Lush have been touched by Dexter’s story and their support is in honour of Dexter and a collective desire that the story must change for children diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma.
We are so grateful to be working with Lush and Dexter’s family but more than anything we would rather that Dexter was here with his family living the life he deserved.
Lush turned gold on 23rd September 2022. Please visit their website:
From tomorrow morning, Lush stores in UK and Ireland will be selling a special edition gold Dexter Dragon’s Egg bath bomb. You can already purchase this online. Read more via this link:
Lush is aiming to sell 36,000 of Dexter’s bath bomb and aiming to raise £150K on behalf of Dexter’s Arc in conjunction with Alice’s Arc. Click here to admire the product and purchase.
Please share this news. Please purchase either online or in-store. Please take pictures in store and share them on social media tagging #TheArcs #alicesarc #dextersarc and #rhabdomyosarcoma
AND please take time to read the campaign materials online and in-store. We all do this for the children and young people’s stories. Because they deserve more and we don’t want parents to experience this tragedy in the future.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

First RMS research grant made in the USA in collaboration with St. Baldricks EPICC team.
Read all about what happened from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023 in our Annual Report.
Family Research Day at the Sanger Institute