Over £10K raised in memory of Freddie Carpenter

Freddie Carpenter’s life celebration, on Thursday 8th November 2018, attracted almost 400 people. In a beautiful woodland setting guests met to celebrate Freddie’s life with insights from school, home and from friends. Freddie’s journey touched so many people and raised awareness of what it’s really like for a family battling through a childhood cancer. We were so humbled that Freddie’s parents asked for donations to Alice’s Arc instead of flowers and are astounded at the final total of over £10K. This money will go towards research in to how to fight rhabdomyosarcoma more effectively and to cure it. We don’t want to lose more precious children like Freddie.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

First RMS research grant made in the USA in collaboration with St. Baldricks EPICC team.
Read all about what happened from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023 in our Annual Report.
Family Research Day at the Sanger Institute