September 2022 – Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM)

For September 2022, we want to focus on the inspirations and motivations for our work. Those who lead and participate in raising the profile of childhood cancer are always those impacted by it – families, friends, communities and businesses who have been touched by the disease and inspired to take action. These efforts always come down to an individual story.

Everyone who has witnessed a story of childhood cancer is devastated by what they see – the intensive and severe treatment protocols, the appalling side-effects, the lack of treatment options, the impact on the family unit, the terrible prognosis of certain childhood cancers such as rhabdomyosarcoma and the outcomes including the devastating losses and the long-term side effects endured by survivors.

We all work together because we want to change the story for children and young people diagnosed in the future. SIMPLE. We are united in our bid to ensure that others do not have to experience what we have seen.

AND SO, this September, we will be posting a series of rhabdomyosarcoma stories highlighting headline facts. Take a look at these faces. These stories drive us to achieve our mission at Alice’s Arc. They are the reasons, the why, the heart of our work. Please remember them and their stories. It is these faces that will be the reasons for research breakthroughs and translations into future treatments for rhabdomyosarcoma. They are the heart and soul of Alice’s Arc. It is an absolute pleasure to know these children/young people and their families. Although many of them have passed away, it is always a pleasure to hear stories and share photos.

It seems fitting to start the campaign with the story of Alice Wakeling. Alice is my daughter. Alice is the trigger for the formation of Alice’s Arc. Alice has brought together a community of other children and young people and created the Arcs so that we can all work together to bring about change. These children unite us, they are the glue.

#ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth #TheArcs #rhabdomyosarcoma


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

First RMS research grant made in the USA in collaboration with St. Baldricks EPICC team.
Read all about what happened from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023 in our Annual Report.
Family Research Day at the Sanger Institute