Walthamstow Hall School raise a grand total of £11,781.80 after a year of fabulous fundraising

Walthamstow Hall School, Sevenoaks, Kent choose Alice’s Arc as their charity of the year for the 2019/20 school year. They hosted a series of fundraising events for the charity, raising a fantastic £11,781.80.

They went gold for childhood cancer in September 2019, wearing something gold and participating in a fashion show. They had a Christmas sing-a-long and Christmas wreath-making workshop. Many food related events including bake sales, fresh lemonade stalls, valentines chocolates and sweet stalls and a special valentine’s breakfast. In addition, there were sporting events including ‘Active for Alice’ at Knole Park where families and pupils were invited to run for Alice. Several musical events and concerts raised significant amounts as well as house fundraising events. The school magazine was also dedicated to Alice’s memory, using her last professional school photo that was taken. 
We are forever thankful for these precious funds and the profile-raising which will help children with cancer. Thank you to the school, families, friends, supporters who were instrumental to all this magnificent fundraising.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

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